In the process of getting to know the Green Party, sooner or later you realize that we favor African Americans to the point of calling for
reparations for over 200 years of discrimination. This is ultimately what it will take to heal race relations in our country, but rather than diving headfirst into what would quickly become a major bone of contention, we should practice the art of the possible by going for a series of small wins. Black women have it particularly hard, as detailed in a
report put out this week by The National Domestic Workers Alliance. One of their priority recommendations is:
Policymakers and workforce development leaders should adopt
strategies to promote gender and racial/ethnic equity in access to higher-paid career training opportunities. Workforce development programs that recruit and train Black women in specific skills can help them gain access to career ladders and upward mobility and can reduce their concentration in lower-paying jobs.
The Green Party prioritizes women's rights and racial equality in their platform section dealing with
Civil Rights and Equal Rights. It also puts an emphasis on poor mothers of all races, though Black mothers are more than twice as likely to be under the poverty line than White mothers.
The Green Party supports real reforms to end poverty and return dignity and opportunity to all mothers. We call for implementing innovative programs that work with the particular and special needs of motherhood.
and, under
Livable Income, the platform calls for helping all impoverished citizens:
Workforce development programs must aim at moving people out of poverty.
It is very hard to accept one's own diminution while watching another group's ascension. Such acceptance disappoints both our expectancy and sense of equity. By taking small steps, such as reducing poverty among the most downtrodden by enabling them to become more employable, we can temper the resentment felt by both sides. At the same time, we must continue to press for many
more measures such as the recommendations in the NDWA report and the 2014
Black Women in the United States report in order to make it over the high bar of granting reparations, thus upholding
our values pertaining to social justice, gender equality, and diversity.
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