Friday, February 9, 2018

Sounding Off in Desperation

Let's give this another go. Editing the International Biochar Initiative Newsletter, including a monthly summary of new research, has edged blogging out of my schedule of late, but I plan to reapply myself to posting regularly, becoming a writer again, rather than just an editor.

With a new title more descriptive of this blog's emergent zeitgeist, a new layout, and increased realization of how the world works, I plan to continue opining on developments from the perspective of my own (mostly potential) involvement. To be more specific about my involvement, of the 231 posts I have written, I can claim only one (dealing with my small scale biochar production) to be substantially realized in practice. Sixty-six posts deal with matters that I have not attended to in the least. The other 164 posts have received some attention, but still require much more.

A variation of Murphy's Law that I have subscribed to most of my life is that if anything can go wrong, it will, but the inevitability of such an occurrence diminishes significantly if you do something to prevent it. Even awareness of problems and needed improvements counts to some degree - taking the issues out of the unknown-unknown category. So I have 66 known-unknowns and 165 known-somewhat knowns now that still could use additional action. Those that I will concentrate on personally will come from the 66 in which I am most remiss.

Then there are the unknown-unknowns. These will hopefully be discovered in time as this blog continues meandering, albeit more desperately, in search of giving us a better chance.

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Git 'er Done

By Mark Rain T o get them all done in time to avert ecological armageddon, the thirteen prescriptions for healing the planet offered by...